Are you the next tour guide for the town’s museum? Give the best experience; use this checklist to give your tourists the best experience any day.
- Be flexible.
- Give balanced commentary.
- Be prepared to also change route anytime.
- Know all the alternative routes that you can provide.
- Stress every aspect of social history.
- Allow for questions and handle them appropriately.
- Always keep your ears open/ listen carefully.
- Be honest and if you don’t know the answer accept.
- Give enough time for your guests to talk.
- Limit all the details to the most important ones only.
- Explain every technical terms or jargon that may come up.
- Research well and be very confident.
- Be quite imaginative in order to remain captivating
- Borrow and learn from the visitor’s knowledge
- Determine if the guests have specific interests.
- Use common sense and guide them through appropriately.
- Carry any ideal reference book if any.
- Be very positive.
- Maintain a warm smile.
Do Not
- Forget to keep a reminder/ mark the tour in your diary.
- Forget to take count of all group members, restaurant seats and tickets, etc.
- Speak if there is absolutely nothing to say.
- Express your personal or even negative opinions.
- Present any controversial topics such as politics, religion, sex, etc.
- Assume that your guests are ignorant
- Presume to be the all-knowing expert.
- Hurry up your guests
- Comment on the lack of time
- Turn your back to the group (do preset facing the crowd).
- Turn your head away from the crowd whilst speaking.
- Start your presentation before the entire group is assembled.
- Speak while at the same time walking.
- Overtire the guests with so much unnecessary information.
- Tell information that you are not sure of – lies.
- Argue with your visitors.
- Forget the group’s name, hotel, or voucher, etc.
Give your guests the most memorable tour. Be the one of a kind guest that you can be. Let our tour guide checklist be of help to you.