Make your new staff comfortable at work. Give them a great induction to their new role. Here is a simple checklist to save your day.
- Work Desk: Organise computer, chair, door, phone, desk, name tag.
- Check that workstation is ergonomic.
- Demonstrate use of telephone, voicemail.
- Notify switchboard of employee’s details.
- Establish an e-mail address.
- Introduce them to local IT support staff.
- Advise on external/internal mailing process, stationery supplies.
- Show location of emergency exits
- Give them a tour of assembly point
- Provide them with emergency information and procedures.
- Show the location of light switches, toilets, coat lockers, food outlets.
- Explain all the parking regulations/locations.
Working Conditions
- Timeline: Explain start and finish times
- Breaks: Show tea and lunch breaks, flexi-time, paydays
- Visiting: Show visitors’ procedures.
- Provide a list of names, titles, and positions of significant people.
- Introduction: Take them around to colleagues.
- Assign a work colleague to “look after” the new employee.
Safety And Security
- Explain health and safety policies
- Explain all confidentiality and security standards.
- Explain the hazard, incident, and illness reporting procedures.
- Introduce the key environment and safety of persons.
 Job Performance
- Discuss position and description.
- Discuss performance expectations
- Discuss standards and measurements.
- Discuss performance and development framework.
- Discuss probationary and process/code of conduct.
- Discuss all the relevant work hazards.
Make sure your new employee settles down in their new role easily. Give them a great induction with this checklist.