Time to make yourself comfy in your office; get your office ergonomics right and have a great workday. Here is a checklist to help.
Chair Adjustment
- Your chair’s height adjustable.
- Your chair supports the lower back.
- There is room between front edge of chair seat and back of the knees.
- You can easily work without interference from the chair’s arms.
- You are able to keep your arms in comfortable position when using the keyboard or mouse.
- Your feet rest flat on the floor and footrest.
- When you sit upright your thighs are approximately parallel to floor.
- Your chair has upright locking feature.
Keyboard Adjustment
- Your keyboard and mouse are almost at elbow height.
- Your arms are near your trunk rather than stretched out before you.
- There is an inch of clearance between the bottom of your work surface and top of your thighs.
Monitor Adjustment
- Your monitor is more-or-less in front of your keyboard
- Don’t put monitor off to the side of keyboard.
- The viewing distance to your monitor is at least 18 inches.
- The top of the computer’s screen is below eye level.
- Your computer’s monitor is protected from excess glare.
Workstation Accessories
- Primary work materials are located in front of you.
- Frequently accessed items are easy to reach.
- Document or copy holder to be available.
Work Habits
- Move your hands away from the keyboard
- Keep away from the mouse.
- Take short and frequent breaks.
- Avoid end-of-year or end-of-cycle ‘crunches’
- Don’t postpone rather work sooner to avoid pile up.
It feels really awesome to get the most comfortable office space for your personal use. Let this simple checklist save your day.