If you love an eco-friendly method of cleaning, this checklist is exactly what you need. Use it and keep your home safe for your loved ones now.
Baking Soda
- Use to scrub kitchen and bathroom surfaces (counters, sinks, and faucets)
- Create a bathing soda paste. Mix with a little water. Good for cleaning grime.
- Use it as a deodorizer too
Club Soda
- Use it to shine stainless-steel appliances
- Moisten a rag with soda and buff
- Follow by wiping it with dry with clean cloth.
- Use to clean up carpet grease stains in a cinch
- Remove with dried candle -wax easily
Hydrogen Peroxide
- Make computer keyboard cleaning fast and easy
- Helps to disinfect as you clean between the keys
- Clear tarnished spots from copper pots and pans
- Pour in toilet bowl and scrub for a great-smell
- Toilet cleaning alternative.
Lemons AND Lemon Juice
- Use to dissolve soap scum
- Clean up hard water stains
- Use to shine brass and copper cookware
- Clean up decorative items.
- Sprinkle baking soda on cut lemon (use to scrub stains and dirty dishes).
- Toss a lemon in trash cans to remove odors.
- Combine 2 parts milk with 1 part white vinegar to remove stain.
- Get rid of extra-tough grime on your hands
Olive Oil
- Natural furniture polish (mix with lemon juice).
Rubbing Alcohol
- Erase permanent ink stains
- Good when used on wood floors
- All-purpose cleaner
- Use to mop the floor/ clean the toilet, shower, and also sink.
White Bread
- Use to dust precious objects fast and naturally
It’s time to give your home the perfect cleaning the natural way. Use the simple checklist to make it work.