Having some savings stashed away is usually a good way of tackling emergencies. In case your salary delays, your medical cover expires, or if you need to fix the debt, savings will be a great way to do so. Use this checklist to keep your bills down and start on your savings today.
- Insulate Your Home: Use fans and ventilation instead of AC.
- Have yard sales: Helps to clear the clutter
- Use the Library: Saves you from spending so much on books.
- Take Up Hobbies: Focus on those that don’t cost money.
- Use Open Source Software: You won’t have to pay a dime.
- Quit Unhealthy Habits: Smoking and Drinking
- Pack Lunch: Saves you from spending on hotels.
- Credit Cards: Get rid of them (they promote impulse buying).
- Energy Efficient: Work with the cheapest energy provider.
- Phone Bills: Review your bills before paying
- Savings: Use an account that pays better interest.
- Invest your Money: Helps your money to grow.
- Watch for Fees: Always scout for lower fees.
- Use Coupons: Saves you from using cash.
- Buy in Bulk: Comes with low prices and rewards.
- Look down at grocery store: items below eye level are usually cheaper
- Make a Grocery List: Helps to tracks spending if you stick to it.
- Ask for Discounts: Works for large purchases e,g refrigerator or washing machine.
- Buy the quality used items/ car instead of a new one.
On Holidays
- Pre-book car hire and compare prices.
- Don’t use debit cards abroad: Saves you from added exchange rates.
- Ask friends to always text and not a phone.
- When buying in a group, try getting a bargain on everything.
Starting your saving plan is good and there isn’t a better time to do it than now. This checklist gives you the best tips to work with.