Checklist For Grant Writing

Getting a grant can easily boost your business or positively impact people around you with brilliant ideas that require funding. Nonetheless, you must know how to write your grant proposal to get the money out. Here is a well-outlined checklist to help you.

Selecting The Grant

  • Research: Helps to identify possible funders with interest in your subject.
  • Initiate: Identify the main contact method for each potential funder.
  • Appointment: Meet with funders to define the interest level of each.
  • Regulations: Obtain guidelines from the funders.
  • Eligibility: Review the guidelines and also eligibility criteria.
  • Requirements: Read all the requirements very carefully.
  • Documentation: Gather all the necessary needed documentation.

Preparing And Writing The Grant

  • Funder’s need: Re-define the funder’s need or interest.
  • Know the Meat: Identify the major focus required in the proposal.
  • Research: Collect all the main data and references required.
  • Type Document: Type and prepares all the graphics presentations.
  • Delegate: Determine who will present and submit the proposal.
  • Work on Intro: Write compelling grant abstract for the project.
  • Project Need: Describe and justify the need for the project.
  • Have a Plan: Develop the grant’s project design.
  • Structure: Describe how the project will be managed.
  • Sustainability: Describe how to sustain your project after the grant period.
  • Know the Cost: Calculate the budget.
  • Testimonials: Assemble the resumes, bibliographies, and the appendices.
  • Review: Have a third party objective review of your proposal.
  • Submit: Submit all the required number of copies

With such a well-structured guideline, getting your grant money should be as easy. Just makes sure you justify the need for your project.

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