Are you a part of the next big charity event in your area? Don’t let your event become a disaster. Use this simple checklist and save your day. It is simple to follow and has everything that you need for a successful charity event.
Prep Work
The first step is to prepare:-
- Determine your objective.
- Keep a detailed list of things to do written on paper.
- Think of the audience you want to reach.
- Determine how many people you want to attend.
- Look for people who are ready to volunteer.
- Decide on the event date.
- Make sure there are no conflicts with other major events.
- Set the day and time to fit the audience’s work schedule.
- Find a good venue.
Promoting Your Event
Next, get your event on everyone’s lip:-
- Write an article or post ad in your newsletter.
- Post your event on your site.
- Advertise on local websites and publications.
- Create sponsor packages.
- Prepare promotional video.
- Use social media: facebook, twitter etc.
- Order promotional items.
- Create posters and postcards for local distribution.
- Send out news releases to local media and online sources.
Post-Event Evaluation
Try to determine what you achieved from it:-
- Did people enjoy themselves
- Did the event attract the audience you targeted
- What could be changed to improve it
- How many people attended
- Was your site the best for your event
- Did publicity get to the right sources
- How could you have attracted more publicity
No one dreams of failure and neither should you. With this checklist, your charity event will hardly miss the best and most vital parts. Make the choice today and give your audience a performance to remember.