There are many reasons why you may want to change the address. More often than not it will include change of job, city, moving out, and many others. In case you intend to change your address, it will be important that you follow this checklist.
- Choose a personal address for the following parties:-
- Friends and family
- Subscriptions
- Health/ fitness club or salon.
- School/daycare
- Church
- Pharmacy
- Keep a financial address for these institutions:-
- Financial institutions
- Insurance companies
- Tax Preparer
When seeking an update with the government, cover these:-
- Post office
- Driver’s license
- Social security/welfare office
More importantly, your utility bills must be paid so inform:-
- Water and sewer service providers
- Electric provider
- Natural gas or propane provider
- Cable/satellite service
- Phone service
- Internet service
- Trash pickup
For legal purposes, health, and other personalized care remember:-
- Attorney
- Doctor
- Dentist
- Medical mail order company
- Veterinarian
Creditors/Service Providers
And if you have unsettled debts or payments, these people should top your list:-
- Lenders
- Credit card issuers
- Lawn service/pool service
- Dogwalker/Petsitter
- Nanny/babysitter
Changing your address may result from divorce, change of work, transfer; need to change environment, and many more. You don’t have to leave anyone out. Keep this checklist next to you and enjoy a smooth change of address.